Sunday, September 14, 2008

Breaking Through, Finished

Well, I really liked this book. It really paints a picture of how you'r life can be without an education. Like how it talks about Francisco's dad who looks very old, tired, and angry towards the end of the book. I dont know exactly why but when I read the part about when Francisco was at the luncheon in the inn and he looked out the window and saw that man pulling weeds that reminded him of his father that is when I thought, these immagrants and people without a good eductation work very hard every day for there whole lives. And get payed very little for it. With no end in sight.

I really liked the ending when Francisco is driving to his colledge with his family and he is looking at his past. He was looking at all the stuff he would have to keep doing for the rest of his life if he did'nt go to college.

It really is amazing how Francisco helped support his family and still went to college with scholarships. that means for me it should be easy being just school fulltime. 

1 comment:

K. Flewelling said...

It's hard to imagine a life without opportunity and hope. I like the way you put it in this post.