Sunday, September 7, 2008

Beaking Through chapters 6-16

Wow! This is a good story. Francisco and Roberto really inspire me because of Their great character. Like how Bob Twichel offered Francisco the type writer for free but Francisco said he would rather pay for it even though he was very poor. And when Mike Nevel offered asked francisco if he could clean the western union everyday before it opens in the moring and even though he didnt want to do it he said yes because his dad had said "never turn down work". And when Roberto found out that Franciso was was waking up extra early to go clean the Western Union he started going with him every day to help him. It is crazy how these two kids could be so respectful and hard working. I think this is crazy because kid's today (including me) complain about doing little house chores and school.

When I read the part about Susan's parents not letting Roberto go out with Susan purely because of his nationality I was kind of mad. Why should this matter? It really confuses me. Why? Everybody should be treated equal. Francisco grew up and became a great writer. He came into the country as an immagrant. This is an example of how becoming a citezen should be made easier. There could be kids in mexico that want to come over to the US to learn english and become a writer.

Well i really enjoyed reading this part of the book. I am gonna try to finish the book soon.

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