Sunday, September 28, 2008

Reading Oliver Twist.

I feel bad for Oliver. he is always hungry other than when dodger got him a big meal when he was running away from the workshop and had walked for seven days. Oliver is not wanted anywhere. It is crazy what he goes through. Like the robbery he was forced into doing. In the book Oliver cries almost every night. It looks like he is stuck with that bad group for the rest of his life. Hopefully he gets away.

Monday, September 22, 2008

New Book

This is my first post on Oliver Twist. 

I wonder where Oliver's mom was coming from. It's crazy how she walked so far and when she was almost there she could'nt walk anymore. I like the nurse very much because she really cared for Oliver when he was just born. Oliver has a very unfortunate life so far. His mom died delivering him and he was put into an orphanage because nobody knows where his mom came from or who his dad is. I like how there is so many questions that need to be answered by the end of this book. I hope Olivers life gets better later in the book. I'll just have to wait and see. 

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Breaking Through, Finished

Well, I really liked this book. It really paints a picture of how you'r life can be without an education. Like how it talks about Francisco's dad who looks very old, tired, and angry towards the end of the book. I dont know exactly why but when I read the part about when Francisco was at the luncheon in the inn and he looked out the window and saw that man pulling weeds that reminded him of his father that is when I thought, these immagrants and people without a good eductation work very hard every day for there whole lives. And get payed very little for it. With no end in sight.

I really liked the ending when Francisco is driving to his colledge with his family and he is looking at his past. He was looking at all the stuff he would have to keep doing for the rest of his life if he did'nt go to college.

It really is amazing how Francisco helped support his family and still went to college with scholarships. that means for me it should be easy being just school fulltime. 

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Beaking Through chapters 6-16

Wow! This is a good story. Francisco and Roberto really inspire me because of Their great character. Like how Bob Twichel offered Francisco the type writer for free but Francisco said he would rather pay for it even though he was very poor. And when Mike Nevel offered asked francisco if he could clean the western union everyday before it opens in the moring and even though he didnt want to do it he said yes because his dad had said "never turn down work". And when Roberto found out that Franciso was was waking up extra early to go clean the Western Union he started going with him every day to help him. It is crazy how these two kids could be so respectful and hard working. I think this is crazy because kid's today (including me) complain about doing little house chores and school.

When I read the part about Susan's parents not letting Roberto go out with Susan purely because of his nationality I was kind of mad. Why should this matter? It really confuses me. Why? Everybody should be treated equal. Francisco grew up and became a great writer. He came into the country as an immagrant. This is an example of how becoming a citezen should be made easier. There could be kids in mexico that want to come over to the US to learn english and become a writer.

Well i really enjoyed reading this part of the book. I am gonna try to finish the book soon.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Breaking Through chapters 1-6

While reading chapters 1 through 6, what struck me the most was how Francisco would come home from school and start working in the fields and still was an amazing student. Also, Francisco was very happy when he was able to help his brother with his janitorial job. Moreover, this struck me because I come home from school and struggle with my homework and other then my homework all I do is play games.

Also, another thing that astonished me was how much harder he would work just to get by in the United States. And after all the hard work you do you could just have it taken away like how Francisco's dad worked hard for 10 years then got deported, and when he got back continued to work hard in the strawberry fields then his fields got over fumigated and all his hard work was for nothing