Tuesday, October 28, 2008

When Virtue Becomes Redundant

1. My favorite quote.:
"The world owes you nothing and every gift is exactly that, a gift."
I like this quote because it tells you that you have to earn everything and that you should
not expect anything to be given to you, you have to earn it. I believe in that firmly. And you should be thankful if anything at all is given to you, because you do not deserve it.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

New Book, 1984 By George Orwell

Well, the book starts out interesting right from the first sentence which says, the clocks were striking thirteen.I think he was going by military time. I wonder if it is just him that goes by military time or everybody if started to. I just thought that was interesting.

In this part of the book it says that London had a war and all the streets and houses were messed up. Well it does not say that specifically but it was talking about the streets being messed up by bombs and some of the windows of houses patched up with cardboard. Winston (The only character in the book so far.) was trying to think of memories of when he was a kid hoping that there would be some of London not being so bad.

So in the book so far Winston is really struggling with lack of food and bad London also with the government watching everybody. I will get more into it later but this is the end of my post.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Second Post on The Cut by Will Mara

Unfortunatly this is gonna be my last post on this book because I can not find a copy. I was reading a preview on google but that ran out so I reserved a book at the library that should come in by thursday. But here is my post on what I was able to read.

This is a good book but what they are trying to do in it is unheard of. The head coach of T.J's team Allen Grey is not giving T.J the money that he deserves. Grey said that he is gonna bench T.J. If I was Chet Palmer I would stop this (Chet Palmer is the general manager who commands above the head coach) you just can not bench an elite player like T.J it could potentially ruin the whole season for them. Grey is not a man that I would trust as a head coach he is doing whatever he can to keep money in his pocket even if that means destroying the offensive coordinator's scheme. He is just a very mean man.

That is all I was able to put together from what I read. Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Vocabulary Photo Blog

I am not sure of exactly what I am supposed to do but I guess I should put a picture for each word.

1.Sentinel. A Sentinel is a guard. cache.daylife.com
2.Conceit. A conceited person is someone that favers himself/herself.

3.Shrill. Shrill is something that is loud or high pitched. like a whistle.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

New Book Post

Oliver Twist was very boring so I wanted to get something I would enjoy so I chose The Cut by Will Mara. The Cut is a a book about football and I really like football so I got it. The book so far is about a really good football player named T.J in the NFL who is way underpaid and trying to get a better contract. T.J is the best player at his position and also one of the least paid.

In the first chapter T.J and his agent are negotiating with the General Manager Chet Palmer trying to get a better contract. Chet does not want to give T.J more money even though he knows T.J deserves it. T.J was an unknown player when the contract was first negotiated but now he is very well known and wants more money. This seems like a very good book and I cant wait to read it more but this is the end of my post.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Third "Oliver Twist" Post

Hmm. It looks like Oliver is stuck with the bad group for ever. But that girl really wants to help him run away. But they cant. It is really sad that Oliver cant have a god day. Every night he crys. I dont really know what else to say about this part of my reading. So thats it.