Sunday, January 11, 2009

Reading Journal

I ordered a book from the library "Boys Will be Boys" it is about the dallas cowboys football team in the 90's. But it has not arrived yet. So I decided I would read the beginning of it on google, and hopefully the book will arrive before next week. 

The book starts out saying "Michael Irving new he was screwed." I like how he jumps right into the story. Michael Irving was a great football player on the Dallas Cowboys in th 90's. The book begins saying that no one is above the law. Michael Irving stabbed his teamate in the neck because he would not let him skip ahead in the barber shop line. Irving has an explosive attitude and gets frustrated easily. In fact one time he punched a referee at a charity basketball game because he did'nt agree with his call. Anyways I did'nt get to read much but what I did read was great and I can't wait to get this book.

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