Wednesday, January 28, 2009

In-class reading journal

Here is the quote I chose: "although they're (the flowers) brown and flat and brittle, they remind him that even in wretched times, concern, gratitude, love and devotion to others can still live on in the heart of man." My question for the writer is, does he show these when he needs to. "in wretched times." I also want to know how to grow in these so I can be the best person I can be.

I like how he wrote this book, made it interesting, and sent out a message. He ends the book very strongly with this quotation. I think the point of most books is to get messages out. The authors that communicate their message well are the better writers. I think that H.G Wells communicated his point great.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Second Post on Boys will be Boys

This book is very interesting. It takes you inside the life of an NFL player. On and off the field. During my reading I have seen the devotion of some players coming early to practice and staying late. I have also seen slacking players who show up late to practice and leave as soon as they can. The person that stays at practice the longest (Which is Michael Irvin) is the best person on the team. This goes to show who ever works the hardest, does the best.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Reading Journal

I ordered a book from the library "Boys Will be Boys" it is about the dallas cowboys football team in the 90's. But it has not arrived yet. So I decided I would read the beginning of it on google, and hopefully the book will arrive before next week. 

The book starts out saying "Michael Irving new he was screwed." I like how he jumps right into the story. Michael Irving was a great football player on the Dallas Cowboys in th 90's. The book begins saying that no one is above the law. Michael Irving stabbed his teamate in the neck because he would not let him skip ahead in the barber shop line. Irving has an explosive attitude and gets frustrated easily. In fact one time he punched a referee at a charity basketball game because he did'nt agree with his call. Anyways I did'nt get to read much but what I did read was great and I can't wait to get this book.